Friday, May 1, 2020

plastic in our ocean


Did you know that approximately 8 million pieces of plastic get in the ocean everyday! That is a lot of pollution and can not be sustained in this amount. This is not very good for all of the marine life that eat, get tangled and suffocate in the plastic that we  are creating and not caring about where it ends up after its use. Most of these animals die when eating plastic as they starve with a tummy full of plastic that does not digest. New Zealand is isolated but not completely as we are seeing some of the plastic washed onto our shores or people dumping on the beaches for the incoming tide to wash it out to sea. Plastic has become a modern easy packaging used in so many things then we just throw it away but these practises that we have been using to make life easy and quick cannot continue for the health of our planet. In New Zealand the single use plastic bag has been stopped but we need so much more. We can stop purchasing things sold in single use plastics and choose reusable options. By not buying these we are saying that it is not what we want. We can also be mindful of where and how we dispose of the rubbish we do make to ensure it is not thrown carelessly to be taken into the environment and eventually make its way into our ocean always use bins and recycle but best of all don't buy plastic in the first place. This is such an important matter to me and should be  to everybody for the health of our marine life the health of our planet and life of all humans.
The ocean plastic crisis - Greenpeace New ZealandAmerican Disposal Services | Dumpster Rental | Waste Management ...

1 comment:

  1. Bella, great topic choice! Plastics are a huge problem, especially in our oceans where as you say animals can eat, get tangled in and suffocate as a result. I like how you have used statistics to support your argument too - well done.
